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Wednesday, June 11, 2025

Bees, beetles, and butterflies - oh my (and don't forget the wasps and the flies)!

Bodie Pennisi & Kris Bramen

Time and Session Location

2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Willow B

CEUs Available (Pending Approval)


What You Will Learn:

You planted a pollinator garden and now it is abuzz with all kinds of insects. Did you know that there are over 200 species of bees you are likely to see? How about butterflies? And can you tell a beneficial insect from a pest? This workshop will teach you to recognize common flower visitors, their biology and functional roles in the landscape. We will share research findings from numerous studies conducted in Georgia and helpful resources for your own conservation programs.

More About the Presenter (s):

Dr. Bodie Pennisi is a Professor and statewide Extension landscape specialist in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia. She is the Vince Dooley Endowed Chair of Ornamental Horticulture. Dr. Pennisi is responsible for planning and coordinating a statewide Extension program to support the professional landscape industry, and conducting applied research with emphasis on sustainable landscape practices. Dr. Pennisi studies native plants as floral provisioning resources for beneficial insects in urban and agricultural landscape contexts, such as golf courses, solar farms, and blueberry farms. She teaches three college undergraduate and graduate courses, Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants, Plant Physiology, and Plants, Pollinators, and You.

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