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Thursday, June 12, 2025

Shrub Considerations - What is Trending, Variety Differences, Ideal Culture

Dr. Allen Owings

Time and Session Location

8:30 AM-10:30 AM

Willow A

CEUs Available (Pending Approval)


What You Will Learn:

Many new shrubs are trending. From the wide array of hydrangeas, gardenias, distyliums, azaleas and more. We will discuss top selling varieties, problems with some, key culture notes for landscape success and more. A quick review of some older varieties that we do not need to forget about will be mentioned. 

More About the Presenter (s):

"Allen Owings. Professor Emeritus - Horticulture, LSU AgCenter. Retired with 26 years of service in June 2017. Provided statewide extension service programming for nursery growers, landscapers, garden centers and secondarily to Master Gardeners and home gardeners. Past coordinator of LSU AgCenter Louisiana Super Plant program. Currently employed as senior horticulturist at Bracy’s Nursery in Amite, LA and horticulturist at Clegg’s Nursery in Baton Rouge, LA. At Bracy’s and Clegg’s, Dr. Owings works in education, outreach, social media and new plant production.

Dr. Owings was born and raised in Hammond, LA. He holds a BS degree (plant science) from Southeastern Louisiana University, MS degree (Horticulture) from LSU and PhD (Horticulture) from Mississippi State University.

He has been recognized by the Louisiana and National Agricultural County Agents Associations with their achievement award and distinguished service award. Dr. Owings has been recognized for contributions to the multi state efforts of the Texas A&M Earth Kind program. He is a life member of the Louisiana Nursery and Landscape Association and Louisiana Society for Horticultural Research. Dr. Owings belongs to numerous horticulture societies in LA and across the south. He is current and long time serving president of the Louisiana Chapter of the Azalea Society of America, a four term president of the Baton Rouge Rose Society, a two time past president of the Louisiana State Horticulture Society, past president of the Baton Rouge Landscape Association and is past and current Gulf District (LA and MS) director for the American Rose Society. He enjoys gardening, golf and LSU sports."

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